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It's one thing telling you about the difference The Acting Lab can make.  But you probably want to hear what students and clients get out of it - so here are a handful of the many testimonials received over the years from people who've attended our courses and workshops. They'll maybe help you imagine what The Acting Lab could do for you...

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"She has taken me from lacking confidence to truly believing I can achieve my goals.  I feel so privileged and grateful to work with her and learn a fraction of her wisdom."  (1:1 Acting Coaching client)

"Wonderful, playful exercises that give an undeniable, immediate feeling of empowerment and change in body, mind and spirit. It was very elevating - I felt liberated. I want more!" (Corporate Workshop client)

"I learned to warm up my voice and we went through numerous voice training techniques that enabled me to address and improve the tone, pitch, resonance, volume and power of my voice. I was thrilled when my school mentor and other teachers commented that they had seen improvements in my voice." (1:1 Public Speaking client)

"I had the absolute joy of attending Elaine’s Intermediate Course at The Acting Lab, in the vibrant city of Dundee. She positively radiates good energy, and creates an atmosphere where every single person feels valued. Her focus on movement and teamwork breaks down all those self-conscious barriers, and brings the whole ensemble together, to elevate each other. Highly recommended." (Acting is a Team Sport participant)

"An eye-opening journey of self-discovery with equal measures of joy, hilarity and serious craft. Highly recommended as a fun and enjoyable class with serious depth." (Acting course participant)

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