I was delighted to be asked to contribute a guest blog post for the Creative Dundee website…
Here's a teaser...
"Where were you in March 2020? I was here in Dundee just getting to the end of teaching one of my regular Level 1 10-week Acting Courses for The Acting Lab.
I was planning the next term’s courses and an Improvisation workshop, little knowing how a background in improvisation was going to come in super-handy much sooner than I realised.
I’ve been teaching Acting courses and delivering Speaking with Confidence Coaching here in Dundee since 2015 when I came back to my home city after some years abroad and founded The Acting Lab. I sometimes wish it wasn’t the case but I am the kind of person who likes to keep changing it up and try new things so my work life is always something of a lively, unpredictable environment. And then came COVID-19…"
...to read more, head over to Creative Dundee's website here, where you can enjoy the full post!
Creative Dundee "amplify, connect and cultivate creativity in Dundee" - and creativity is what we're all about here at The Acting Lab!
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheActingLab
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...and please share our posts with friends, family or colleagues who might be interested in any of our courses or coaching!
