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Getting creative...


I was delighted to be asked to contribute a guest blog post for the Creative Dundee website…


Here's a teaser...

"Where were you in March 2020? I was here in Dundee just getting to the end of teaching one of my regular Level 1 10-week Acting Courses for The Acting Lab.

I was planning the next term’s courses and an Improvisation workshop, little knowing how a background in improvisation was going to come in super-handy much sooner than I realised.

I’ve been teaching Acting courses and delivering Speaking with Confidence Coaching here in Dundee since 2015 when I came back to my home city after some years abroad and founded The Acting Lab. I sometimes wish it wasn’t the case but I am the kind of person who likes to keep changing it up and try new things so my work life is always something of a lively, unpredictable environment. And then came COVID-19…" read more, head over to Creative Dundee's website here, where you can enjoy the full post!


Creative Dundee "amplify, connect and cultivate creativity in Dundee" - and creativity is what we're all about here at The Acting Lab!

Follow us on social media to see what we're up to:

Instagram: @theactinglabdundee

...and please share our posts with friends, family or colleagues who might be interested in any of our courses or coaching!

People enjoying an Improv in the Park workshop held in Dundee by The Acting Lab

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